Thursday, August 27, 2009

Random update time: Hunter hit by car (not a joke)

I know it sounds sad, and it is, though let me clarify, this was a long time ago now. Yeah. He's fine. Except for the slashes on his eye, BUT THAT'S A DIFFERENT STORY SO DON'T ASK, OK?! But yeah, about that car incident:

Apparently, living with me/us requires you to pass a test. This test is, can you survive being hit by a car? You have to get hit by a car if you want to live with me, it's the law or something dammit. First was Chase, then a few months later, his brother Hunter (this rule was enacted after Zoey & Miles had lived with us a long while, so they've been grandfathered in – no car tests for them). If we ever have a kid, god help him. 

So. We're packing up to move a couple of months ago, and we decide at some point that a new flat-screen Plasma TV (60"!) has become a necessity, not just a desire for us. No really, it makes sense. You see we had a 52" rear-projection LCD, but since they're larger, we didn't really have a place to put it; it wouldn't fit on the mantle and there wasn't a good wall for it to sit in front of, so we opted for a sleek new Samsung 58-incher to put over the fireplace, the only place we could see to hang a TV in the house. Since we didn't need a 52" TV any longer, we sold it to a friend of The Girl's. And one night after they got off of work, they both came over to load it up and take it to her (the friend's) place. They knock, I open door, hunter sees cat, darts across road to investigate.

Now it was 11pm at night. The streets are normally empty, but it so happened that as Hunter ran across, there was a car going across at that same exact time. Go figure, right? I mean, obviously, otherwise he wouldn't have been hit by a car, thereby making this post insanely irrelevant.

Hunter survived, and though he had the slightest bit of swelling and a scrape or two, he never limped and was at full-speed within two days. However at the time it was a scary situation, as you can imagine. Funny thing though, where chase was scared and ran home yelping and hid from everything, Hunter's A-personality shone through. He gets hit by the car, and starts barking at it. Then he runs around to the back of the rental property, barking at everything because he was pissed off, where he lets me hold him (finally). Then he decides that although The Girl's friend had been over before and been alright, since she wasn't me or The Girl, that she needed some barking too. BARK. "F-ck YOU, BITCH! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!"

So, yeah. The brothers are now a matching set in that regard, too. Found together, live together, both get hit by a car. It's just the way it is here, I guess. Future son of mine? you've been warned.

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