The Emperor has no Clothes
So we can freely admit – without being called “filthy liberals” – that she’s just not there, right? I mean, there’s no question anymore that she’s completely see-through anymore, this is correct? We can all tell that she was picked because she was a female & Joe Biden is not; she was a cheap shot across the bow of the female demographic. Sort of a “hey, see? We’re totally with you! Vote republican, we have a girl right here! Clearly we’re for women’s rights & sh!t! Please ignore our Roe v. Wade stance, move along…”
If you think it’s not so, just, uh, check out this most recent interview with Katie Couric. OMG. And I quote:
“Well it certainly does, because our next door neighbors are foreign countries, in the state I am the Executive of…”
And this gem..
“When Putin rears his head, and, uh, comes into the airspace of the US, Where do they go? It’s Alaska […] it is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that – an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation – Russia…”
Questions: Doesn’t she realize that no, probably Russia’s going to attack either the Pacific or most likely the Atlantic Coast? Has she seen a map recently? One with population overlays, perhaps? And I have to ask, What is it that we send out from Alaska to keep on eye on Putin? I’ve never heard of us sending “those” out to Russia from Alaska. Huh.
It’s like listening to pure stupid. If you could bottle up pure stupid and pump it through speakers, that’s what it would sound like: Like Palin on the Mic. Dear lord help us all.
I was Ambivalent, but now really like Google
Blog from Google. What does it say of consequence? That they’re officially for a stance of “No on Proposition 8” in California. Proposition 8, for those who don’t know, would make it constitutionally illegal for homosexuals to get married and share in equal rights & representation in our society. How often does this happen? How often does a company take a stance on a social issue that has no direct effect on their bottom line like this?
I really applaud this. And they framed it right, too; it’s not about sexuality, it’s about protecting freedom of the individual and the idea of equal rights for us all (including you & me):
“While we respect the strongly-held beliefs that people have on both sides of this argument, we see this fundamentally as an issue of equality. We hope that California voters will vote no on Proposition 8 -- we should not eliminate anyone's fundamental rights, whatever their sexuality,[...]”
Bravo, Google. Whatever you’re sellin’, I’m buyin’. Sign me the f*ck up for some social justice, baby!