Thursday, March 26, 2009

Random thoughts: Modern Paganism, & False Authority

Modern Paganism
We’re considered largely to be a country of Christ-loving, one-God Fearing, Christians (or the like). We’re not pagans, after all. Right? Right. Well, I think it’s wrong, actually.

I sometimes like to think about things from a distant perspective. Such as,
what would future generations think of our current rituals, say in like 3,000 years. Sort of how we pull up artifacts of past generations and make judgements on them. I think they’d think us to be quite the odd pagans.

Easter. A BUNNY? That..
Lays eggs? Seriously? This is how we (well, YOU – I’m agnostic) honor the rebirth of Jesus? With a bunny that lays eggs?

Or how about we decorate an evergreen tree in December to honor his birth, which didn’t actually happen in December, in a land devoid of evergreens.

I rest my case. It’s a short case, yes I know. But still. It’s rested.

Billboard statements are wrong
As are Bumper Stickers. There’s something wrong with them – and by extension, talk radio & Talk TV – as a political tool. But especially billboards & bumper stickers.

Because they make a statement as fact. I do that all the time, but you’ll notice there’s comments you ca leave (that no one ever does). I do something that billboard statements & bumper stickers don’t allow: namely, conversation & debate. Maybe I say something you don’t fully understand or might disagree with at first, or even permanently. You have the chance to pipe up and debate the issue, and make a counterpoint.

Well, you could do this if you had a point to make against me. But let’s face it – I’m damned-near perfect in my points & presentation ;-)

The root issue is that without the ability for point-counterpoint, it more than makes a statement as fact, it does so with what is called “
False Authority.” I’d like to say I discovered the fallacy or defined it. Alas, I did not. But if it hadn’t been elaborated before my time, I think I could have done it. I could have been the one.

Anyway. Next time you hear
Rush or Bill, remember False Authority: Just because you yell loudest and drown out any counterpoints, doesn’t mean you’re right. Usually, quite the opposite.


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