Sunday, October 26, 2008

Apple Opposes Prop 8 in California

Late last week, Apple joined Google in publicly opposing Proposition 8 in California. For those who aren’t aware (what, are you living under a rock?), Proposition 8 is a ballot measure that is designed to change the constitution of California to specifically prohibit marriage between homosexuals.

Disclaimer: I’m a straight male.

I’m very proud of Apple. They, like
Google before them, worded it correctly: it’s not a matter of marriage and whether you personaly support or oppose homosexuality, it’s a matter of civil rights. Passing this measure is a step in the wrong direction: it codifies hatred, making it legal to deny equal rights to a class of people based on a trait that doesn’t harm anyone else. Do I think homosexuality is ‘right’ or correct in any fashion? No. I do believe that it’s a genetic ‘malfunction,’ if you will. But I don’t believe that being homosexual somehow makes someone less a member of civilized society. They’re different, yes, but so am I, and so are you, and so is everyone else. If we don’t protect everyone’s right to equal protection of the law, then we have no room to complain if our personal rights are infringed or even expect that OUR protections afforded by the law are even valid.

I believe in equality for all, with the exception of those who would impose onto another. So long as the homosexuals are not trying to take marriage away from others, what’s the big deal? If it doesn’t limit your rights, do you have any real place to limit theirs?

I swear, it’s like
Plessy v. Ferguson all over again, just sub gays for blacks.

Here’s what I think: anyone that votes “Yes on 8,” to limit the rights of others, should wake up the next morning to find out that they
actually voted to limit their own rights, and not be allowed to… Do stuff they want. Hey, if it’s OK to limit other people’s rights, clearly it must be OK to have someone limit theirs too, correct? The ol’ “good for the goose, good for the gander” play.

I already sent my ballot in. No on 8, of course. Also, Barack Obama for Prez. Go America & personal freedom!

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