Friday, September 12, 2008

Premonition: This movie's going to stink

It starred Sandra Bullock, OK? Give me a break. I mean, she usually does decent movies, right? (Miss Congeniality, anyone? Oops, forgot about that one, and two) Well this movie didn’t get the ravest of reviews to begin with, but it’s new and we have room to spare on our Netflix queue, so what the hell, we figured.

We figured wrong. There’s so many plot holes and inconsistencies that really, it’s
not worth watching. It’s either trying to say that you can’t change the future, or that you can. But it – much like Déjá Vu before it – sort of decides to do both. Which, uh, is impossible seeing as how those ideas are mutually exclusive concepts.

Déjá Vu however, was entertaining and exciting at least. This thing, however, played more like a damn Made-for-TV pathetic-fest, but starting Sandra Bullock. And honestly, I feel taken. Screw the election, screw government corruption & cover-ups,
this is what I plan to write my congressman about: a damn D- movie. Take that, Hollywood.

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