Saturday, July 26, 2008

In-Home Marketing, & Jumper

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Having Fun with Home Organization
So yeah, having your home well-organized really makes things more efficient and typically more enjoyable. But yes, getting it all organized can be a pain the butt, and might even make you feel like one of those “boring” people or something. But hey, it doesn’t have to. You can have fun with it. Be Dry! Be English! Be Cheesy and Campy, all at the same time! It works for me! (a little later I’ll be asking if anyone would like a chance to win a 3-day-2-night paid vacation for listening to a Time-Share plan I have…)

Every time we open the Freezer we get a laugh at my expense. And I don’t care, because I think it’s damned hilarious, and I laugh every single time myself, when I contemplate the confused looks on peoples’ faces if/when they were to see it. What is “it”? “It” is how we keep our freezer organized and discernible. How do you quickly tell which bag is which when you’re looking for Ground Beef? Well if you’re doing it right, you have large re-sealable, re-useable bags. And you write on them. But go ahead, have fun with it. I mean, how boring is “Ground Beef”? Instead, try this (click for larger version):

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And Waffles? What the hell? Try this:

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And yeah, it may seem a little heartless, but it’s not like it’s remotely untrue, I’m just actually saying it:

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You know you laughed. :-D

2nd on our recent Netflix queue stars one of my most favorite Actors Ever!, Hayden Christensen. How awesome is he? He can single-handedly make the most powerful villain ever (Darth Vader) appear no more than to be a whiny bitch. Seriously. He – with truckloads of help from George Lucas – pretty much ruined any chance the last two prequels of Star Wars had to be any good. (George Lucas Single-handedly ruined the first prequel, and God shall judge him for creating Jar-Jar Binks)

Anyway, yeah, it’s not like he’s any better in this movie. Picture a carboard cut-out. Now dial that down a notch. There, that’s about par for the course with good ol’ Hayden.

However, the suckfest again does not belong solely to him. The movie would have sucked even if it had starred someone worth casting. The movie just sort of starts, gives you a character, gives you his power, and then suddenly he’s thrust into a “war,” but no one ever bothers to tell us anything about it. I mean, apparently it’s a big war and people have known about it for centuries, but no one ever bothers to fill us in. Which sucks as an audience, because like, isn’t that why we’re there? Yeah, thought so. I thought the movie premise had some promise to it, and in fact this movie in our queue far outclassed the
last movie in our queue, so it’s not without some value to it. But hey, background stories can be great, and I think the new breed of Hollywood directors need to realize that it’s not all about the next special effect; yeah believe it or not, we still want to care about the characters we’re watching.

Except for maybe Hayden Suckensen. He can die a wooden death already. I would think it would be a shallow display, complete with ill-placed smirk and probably 8 out of 10 people wouldn’t actually believe he died. But I still think he should try.

For cinema’s sake.

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