Monday, June 9, 2008

V for Vendetta

After our trip to the river yesterday, we had an easy dinner of pasta and then sat down to enjoy a movie for the night.

May recall that we had issues with V for Vendetta playing the other night. Well those problems were solved yesterday! I had contacted Sony and they sent out a disc to us with the necessary firmware update, which went smoothly enough.

Anyway, the movie. Have you seen it? I like it a lot. Enough that I think it might soon enough become on of those films that’s a member of my coveted inner-library. It’s really good. It’s got some action to it, but that’s not the whole of the film. In that sense, it’s kinda like the matrix: it deals with a topic that’s serious, but it adds some action-flick stuff in to keep everyone enticed.

The Matrix was a philosophical debate, whereas “V” was a political one. Still though, same concept.

I could see people who were right-wingers not liking the movie too much. There’s definitely some (make that A LOT) shadowing of American policy and the whole of the movie centers around what happens when a society trusts its corrupt government too much. It’s set in Britain, but in reality it’s about America circa now and the last 8 years. Trust me, you can’t miss it, it’s not that subtle. It’s a critique on America and what we’ve allowed, and the movie is sort of a foretelling of our fate if the paths of the “righteous” are corrupt are carried through.

Still though the message rings clear: it’s really easy for the populace to be scared into submission. And once the Government has total control, who’s to question when they wrong you? You have no recourse?

I would say I agree with V’s political ideology: A people should not fear their government; the government should fear its people. We should have the power. It’s supposed to be “by” the people,” and it really should stay that way.

A good movie. I give it a
B+ with no shame.

The only downside is that it made
Queen Amidala look like a little boy. Note to Natalie Portman: No more roles where they shave your head. OK? Trust me on this.


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